50th Class Reunion
last updated Wednesday, September 11, 2019.

Lots more pictures to post so come back...

Pre-Reunion Gatherings

A few people wanted to try Amel's Restaurant on Thursday

Barbara Hirschinger Liptak & Tom DeHuff

Carolyn Cassoon Phillips & Bill Flinn

Tom DeHuff & Pat Quel Brown

Friday afternoon, Marilyn & Jeff Martin hosted a luncheon for the reunion committee
and some early arrivals
Pictures thanks to Marilyn Niedringhaus Martin

Tom DeHuff, Betsy Springer & Jim Hammer, Marilyn Niedringhaus Martin

Jim & Betsy Springer Hammer, Marilyn

Bill Flinn, Leif Jacobsen, Leslie Straub Sargent, Pat Quel Brown, Dave Parrish

Leslie Straub Sargent & Betsy Springer Hammer

Marilyn, Beth Rowswell Walker, Leif Jacobsen, Dave Lovejoy

Thru the window while Marilyn was setting up this photo on the balcony
Rocky Leonhardt, Kathy Pagone Leonhardt, Jim Hammer, Jeff Martin '63, part of Leslie Straub Sargent & Ron Gamrot

Dave Lovejoy, Kim Armor Sanders, Scott Henderson, Leslie Straub Sargent

Beth Rowswell Walker, Leif Jacobsen, Kristen Eichleay

Tom DeHuff, Mary Ann Kozorra Gamrot

Leslie Straub Sargent, Jim Clark, Sam Walker, Beth Rowswell Walker

Bill Brown '62, Pat Quel Brown on balcony overlooking Heinz Field

Great view of the stadium

Point Park and Pittsburgh

Smaller building with patio and flag is the Mount Washington incline.

Bill Brown '62, Ray & Kim Armor Sanders

Leslie Straub Sargent & Bill Flinn

What a luncheon spread

Pat Wynn, Claudia Pontano Fetterman, Pat Quel Brown

Maureen McNally, Pat Wynn, Kristen Eichleay, Sue Smrekar Sullivan, Marilyn Martin

Tom DeHuff, Harvey Marks with Lynn Detrick, Linda Klaes

Lots more pictures to post so come back...